The Arab Development Forum: Priorities for the Post – 2015 Agenda, Amman, Jordan

  • Prevent HIV among drug users

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  • Jordon

The Regional UNDG for Arab States/MENA will launch the Arab Development Forum on Priorities for the Post-2015 Agenda in Amman, Jordan from 10-11 of April 2013. The forum will explore the unique challenges facing the region and help inform national discussions towards a post-2015 development agenda that builds on achievements and helps address development gaps and emerging drivers of change. Together with partner UN agencies, UNAIDS MENA RST has been involved in the preparations for the forum to ensure that HIV and AIDS are considered in the dialogue and discussions around the regional priorities for the Post 2015 Development Agenda. UNAIDS is also supporting and sponsoring the participation of some CSOs working on HIV at this important forum.

El tayeb El amin | ElaminE@unaids.org
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