Campaigning towards Effective Involvement of WLHIV in the HIV Response in the MENA Region, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt

  • Prevent HIV among drug users

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  • Egypt

The workshop is a component of an initiative supporting the empowerment and independence of the 1st regional group of WLHIV (MENARosa) to encourage greater involvement of PLHIV in the AIDS response through a rights-based approach. WLHIV focal points from 14 countries will: create a vision and operational framework with clear regional and national objectives over a one year period, build skills and provide work methodology for participants to take on leadership roles within their communities and build a constituency to achieve advocacy and human rights goals, support country teams to develop draft proposals for small grants with technical support and coaching from the Regional Arab Network Against AIDS and introduce a Mentorship Program for follow up with participants at country level.

El tayeb El amin | ElaminE@unaids.org
Tel: +20222765520