Launching the Community Based Intervention Project Addressing HIV Needs among Youth IDPs, Harad & Aden, Yemen

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  • Yemen

The UNAIDS Yemen country office in collaboration with local NGOs, For All Foundation for Development (FAF) and Women Association for Sustainable Development (WSAD) &financial support from OCHA is launching a Community Based Intervention Project addressing HIV needs among Youth IDPs in Hajja & Aden governorates with participation of local authority, the lunch is followed by ten days training of 20 peer educators. The project aimed to deliver the minimum required HIV and AIDS interventions in emergency settings including basic information on HIV and AIDS, STI and Voluntary counselling and Testing for Youth aged 15-24 in (IDP) camps (10,000 women and girls, men and boys) in order to enable them with life skills and be able to protect themselves from HIV infection.

Fouzia Gharamah | GharamahF@unaids.org
Tel: +967712221050