Consultation Meeting of key stakeholders on HIV Comprehensive Prevention Program among Migrants, Sana'a, Yemen

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  • Yemen

UNAIDS and IOM in collaboration with Yemeni Red Crescent Society (YRC)are organizing a one day consultation meeting with key stakeholders from Yemeni Coast Guards, Immigration, Passports and Nationality, MOI, NAP –MOPHP, Media, Office of the International Federation of Red Cross and WHO. The aim of the consultation is to advocate , build knowledge among key stakeholders and gather their insights on Migrants and key HIV related issues and the implementation of HIV Comprehensive Prevention Program on IOM Migrants camp and detention Center). The meeting also will provide an opportunity to share knowledge to enhance key stakeholders role and engagement in the implementation of program and support strengthened partnership among IOM,UNAIDS, Local and international NGOs.

Fouzia Gharamah | GharamahF@unaids.org
Tel: +967712221050